
Employing our Intelligence and Security training, our clients are  empowered  to reduce challenges from  malign state intervention, terrorism, crime, civil disorder and crisis as a result of our advanced  capability programmes. Our training and mentoring programmes are individual to the client and their environment, using instructors recognised to be  globally leading in their fields.

We transfer knowledge and enduring capability across the intelligence and security spectrum to achieve lasting effects.

Intelligence Collection Training

For a Partner State’s Coast Guard and Navy

A nation facing illegal maritime border-entry issues required its coastguard and navy patrols to upskill their intelligence collectors specialising in ship boarding to improve intelligence-led operations. Harquebus Human Intelligence (HUMINT) trainers were involved in a four-year programme to improve the effectiveness of the nation’s maritime-interdiction assets to address the growing prevalence of human and narcotics trafficking. This ensured better targeted maritime and littoral operations that were proactive and intelligence led.

As a direct result, the state saw a 400 percent increase in successful confiscation of contraband and consequent reduction in illegal activity.

Combating Serious and Organised Crime

Through Police Training

As part of the UK Government, Harquebus introduced an intelligence-led policing system to a state in South East Europe. This included developing Doctrine along with training all elements of the system to officers in the Serious and Organised Crime Department.

Within months of employing the new skills, the SOC Department successfully exploited important intelligence, leading to the discovery and dismantling of the largest counterfeit tobacco plant in Europe. 

Counter Intelligence Training

State Intelligence Service

We have trained a number of intelligence services globally in Counter-Intelligence to reduce threats to state integrity from malign foreign entities.

One state has been the subject of a four year programme to improve its capability to detect, disrupt and deny Foreign Intelligence Services’ attempts to subvert its government personnel, judiciary and security institutions and make it more vulnerable to external state influence.

We have trained CI officers in HUMINT and Investigation techniques, vetting and analysis alongside Train The Trainer courses to create an enduring ability to resist such attacks.

Training for UK Defence


As specialised training providers, we provide as a contractorised service for UK Defence.